
Kiddi Caru Burgess Hill Awarded Good Ofsted Rating

26 Sep 2022

Kiddi Caru Burgess Hill Awarded Good Ofsted Rating

The team at Kiddi Caru Burgess Hill are delighted to announce that they have been awarded a rating of Good in their recent Ofsted inspection.

The report reveals the following:

  • “Children receive plenty of praise and encouragement from staff, which positively enhances their emotional well-being and self-esteem.”
  • “Children enjoy a wide range of interesting activities that motivate them to learn. For example, they are fascinated to watch ingredients react when they make their own volcanoes in the garden. In addition, staff successfully extend children’s vocabulary as they introduce new words such as ‘lava’ and ‘eruption’.”
  • “All children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, successfully develop their communication and language skills. Staff work in close partnership with parents to learn key words in other languages that children speak. This positively helps children to feel safe and secure.”
  • “Staff have a good knowledge of child development, and the different ways children learn. Babies and toddlers laugh and giggle as they enjoy a range of sensory activities. For example, they develop their creative skills as staff provide opportunities for them to mix paints with their hands.”
  • “Partnerships with parents are strong.”
  • “Staff successfully support children to learn how to keep themselves healthy”
  • “Staff are good role models for children.”

Read the full report here.

Petra Hallam, Nursery Manager at Kiddi Caru Burgess Hill, said:

“I am so proud of our team for being awarded Good in our recent Ofsted inspection. We are honestly so pleased with the inspector’s comments as it truly reflects the hard work and dedication the team has put in to make the nursery the positive learning environment that it is. Well done everyone!”

Kiddi Caru Day Nurseries and Preschool in Burgess Hill is conveniently located on the edge of the Victoria Business Park, just 10 minutes from the A23 and town centre.

We would love to tell you more and show you our nursery, so please book a personal visit and our team can help answer any questions you may have about nursery life, costs and saving schemes that are available to help with childcare costs.

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