About us
Our safeguarding policy
Staff working in our nurseries have a legal duty of care towards the children attending.
This duty brings with it the responsibility to ensure that all efforts are made to safeguard children from suspected and actual harm. In partnership with parents and carers, the nursery has a responsibility to act promptly on any concerns they may have regarding a child’s welfare
The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) at nursery
- Each nursery will have a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), normally the manager, who coordinates safeguarding and child protection issues.
- There will be between 3-4 qualified DSLs at each nursery and at least one on site at all times.
- The DSL will ensure safeguarding is included on the agenda at every staff meeting.
- The DSL is responsible for liaising with external organisations and for making referrals.
- The DSL will complete a Serious Incident Summary where required
Our nursery staff will…
- Work to ensure the wellbeing and safety of the children in the nursery.
- Be aware of their safeguarding responsibilities.
- Have read and understood the Safeguarding Policy & Child Protection procedures.
- Remain up to date with safeguarding information, legislation, and procedures.
- Attend necessary staff training at the request of the Nursery Manager.
Parental responsibility
- Mothers, married couples, and those who’ve jointly adopted a child automatically have parental responsibility.
- If parents are not married but both parents are named on the birth certificate, they will have parental responsibility. Parental responsibility can be gained if required.
- Same sex partners both have parental responsibility if they are married or in a civil partnership. The 2nd partner is also able gain parental responsibility if required.
- Grandparents and stepparents do not have parental responsibility but can acquire it.
- Foster parents do not have parental responsibility for any children in their care. This lies with the local authority into whose custody they have been placed
Checking parental responsibility
- The management team will determine who has parental responsibility for each child before they start nursery.
- Parents should complete a Parental Responsibility Verification Sheet and provide their child’s full birth certificate during the child’s settling in sessions.
- Parental responsibility can only be withdrawn if there’s a court order stating this.
Confidentiality at nursery
- Personal information on children, families and staff will be stored securely and in line with GDPR regulations.
- Parents/carers will need to complete the Photography Permission section in the Famly app which will determine if photos of their children can be used for marketing purposes such as across social media, press and our website.
- Permission forms will be reviewed in September and February with parents/carers.
- Only cameras and digital equipment owned by the nursery can be used within the premisses.
- Parents/carers must not upload images of children attending the nursery online.
- All visiting photographers must provide proof of an enhanced DBS check and will be accompanied by a member of staff around the nursery.
Nursery attendance
- If a child has not arrived 2 hours after their usual arrival time, their parent/carer will be contacted to clarify the reason for their non-attendance.
- A member of staff will be in contact to check that both the family and child are well and that there are no problems which they could assist with.
- In a situation where the child has been identified as being at risk, this could result in nursery staff contacting local services known to be working with the family.
- The Nursery Manager will decide if it’s necessary to follow child protection procedures.
For more information on this policy, please contact your Nursery Manager.
More About Us
Find out who we are, where we’ve come from and the nursery brands we nurture.
Find out who we are and what we do; our mission and our vision.
Find out about our commitment to you, your child, our team and our service.
How we nurture our people, care for the environment and engage with charities.
Including Pathway to the Foundations, Foundations for the Future and our ME Model.