
Kiddi Caru Peterborough Eco Bird Feeders

12 Nov 2019

Kiddi Caru Peterborough Eco Bird Feeders

The children love getting outside – even in the chilly weather! They have noticed that some of the wildlife has changed with the seasons, especially the birds. They discussed how some travel to warmer climates to get out of the cold, where as others stay with us to brave the British Winter. The little ones looked into what the birds like to eat and their natural habitats. We discovered that many birds struggle to find a source of food during this time of year. So, the team gave the children the opportunity to create eco bird feeders. The children thoroughly enjoyed the activity, exploring and discussing textures resources, and cannot wait to take their bird feeders home and also put up around the garden.

If you would like to help feed the birds in your local area, why not watch our video on how to make an eco bird feeder?

Find our more about our Kiddi Caru Peterborough nursery!