
Kiddi Caru Caldecotte Explore Arts & Crafts

1 Sep 2020

Kiddi Caru Caldecotte Explore Arts & Crafts

Arts and crafts is such a versatile activity, that children of all ages love to explore. The younger children at Kiddi Caru Caldecotte had lots of fun squeezing paint out of gloves with holes in. They watched the paint spray across the paper and were fascinated to understand how to control the paint by squeezing hard or soft. It was an excellent exercise to promote their hand-eye coordination and gross motor skills. They also practised their fine motor skills by painting with lolly pop sticks and cotton balls.

The preschool rooms used paint to draw their own bodies and faces. The children decided what colours to use and how big/little each body part is, such as the nose is small compared to the leg. This created conversation amongst the children in the room about similarities and differences. We all agreed that all these aspects of ourselves is what makes us unique.