Kiddi Caru Whiteley School Role Play

Kiddi Caru Whiteley School Role Play

The preschool children at Kiddi Caru Whiteley have been discussing going to ‘big school’ soon. So, the staff developed a role play area, displaying the different local school uniforms, fixing a chalk board on the wall space and moving their tables and chairs into the...
Kiddi Caru Wellingborough Celebrate Moon Day

Kiddi Caru Wellingborough Celebrate Moon Day

National Moon Day celebrates the historic lunar landing on July 20th, 1969. At Kiddi Caru Wellingborough we marked this celebration through photographs and books surrounding this moment, encouraging the children to talk about what they thought it felt like going to...
Kiddi Caru Writtle Busy Baking

Kiddi Caru Writtle Busy Baking

The preschool children love cooking. So, they decided to collect their favourite food and cooking ingredients to use in their sensory tuft tray. They worked together to create different ‘cakes’, ‘pudding’” and ‘dinners’. The...
Kiddi Caru Market Harborough Welcome Summer

Kiddi Caru Market Harborough Welcome Summer

The children at Kiddi Caru Market Harborough have welcomed Summer with open arms as they get back into the swing of nursery life. The little ones were especially excited for the return of their nursery guinea pigs, Percy & Neville! They love to help care for them...
Kiddi Caru Basingstoke Interactive Board

Kiddi Caru Basingstoke Interactive Board

Technology is an integral part of our lives. No matter how old we are, we find ourselves surrounded by technology. As the technological opportunities continues to grow, there are an array of tools available which can be carefully chosen to support and extend...